Nate Fleming Presents Expert Testimony Supporting the "Threatened" Black Neighbors of 1617 U Street
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Nate Fleming Presents Expert Testimony Supporting the “Threatened” Black Neighbors of 1617 U Street

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Racial Equity “Lacking” For Proposed Luxury Upzoning of the Two-Acre Public Site

Washington, DC –– On Monday, March 18, 2024, at the 6th zoning hearing regarding the possible luxury high-density upzoning of 2-acres of public land at 1617 U Street, NW, (current home of the Third District police station and Engine 9 fire station) Nate Fleming was introduced as an expert witness to testify and support the Black neighbors living nearby the site.

Testimony on 1617 U Street by Nate Fleming (Racial Justice Fellow at DePaul Law, Former Legislative Director at the D.C. City Council), Video Link:

  • “As an individual deeply invested in the equitable development of our city I’m before you to address the proposed Map Amendment concerning the rezoning of 1617 U Street.”

  • “This [proposed rezoning] action exhibits a notable lack of substantial engagement with these communities. This absence of dialogue and consultation represents a top-down approach contradicting the principles of inclusive and equable planning the need for community engagement.”

  • “For the DC Office of Planning, advancing racial equity requires acknowledging the historical role of urban planning and perpetuating racial discrimination and exclusion especially against Black residents and other people of color and OP must dedicate itself to confronting and rejecting structural racism and advancing racial equity through transparent processes centering community voices and planning and maximizing the accessibility of services and programs.”

  • “So let’s just remind ourselves some of the key components of racial Equity analysis as it relates to land use and zoning: One is finding who the community is, making sure that we understand who would be potentially burdened by this action and who may potentially benefit from the action. We also must understand the past and present racial discrimination in that community what are the current challenges facing the community.”

  • “The current [high-density luxury rezoning] proposal deviates from these [racial equity] principles and threatens to exacerbate existing racial and socioeconomic inequities in our city particularly due to a lack of community engagement which is at the core of racial equity. It is our shared responsibility to ensure that urban planning and zoning decisions and land use decisions are not just compliant in letter with our City’s policies but also in the true spirit with the ideals of equity and inclusivity thank you.”

The Zoning Commission is scheduled to deliberate on the luxury rezoning proposal again on May 9, 2024.

In prior zoning hearings, Black neighbors have asked if their stories and voices matter as it regards the future of the public land at 1617 U Street and imminent displacement of the remaining Black residents and small businesses nearby.

Do Black Neighbors Matter Video link:

Some key testimonial points:

  • “Just say no and send this back to the drawing board” – Laura Richards, former BZA member
  • “I’m mulling whether this case should be postponed or thrown in the trash all together” – Adams Morgan ANC Commissioner, John Jones
  • “OP has disregarded meaningful community engagement” – Andria Chatmon, Empower DC
  • “It’s disturbing to me personally to know that my story doesn’t count” – William Jordan, Ward One

See prior zoning hearings — Click here

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