May 9, 2024 Zoning Meeting Redux, Is MU10 Really Dead?
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May 9, 2024 Zoning Meeting Redux, Is MU10 Really Dead?

min read

1617 U Street: May 9th Zoning Meeting Redux

On May 9, 2024, after thirty+ hours of hearings and more than 750 submissions to the zoning record, four DC Zoning Commissioners took up and deliberated the DC Office of Planning’s application to rezone 1617U Street — all two-acres of public land — to an MU10 downtown sized zone district.
The Zoning Chairman, Anthony Hood makes points (among others) across a few key things about the MU10 zone district and “maximizing” affordable housing. 
The Chair also brings up Brianne Nadeau’s surprise legislation about 1617 U Street, draft legislation Brianne spoke to no one about before bringing to the Secretary of the City Council for review.


At the Zoning Meeting on May 9th, the three Zoning Commissioners besides the Chair seemed to listen to the community and pushed back on the requested MU10 zone district as “inappropriate”.

In response to the dissent, Chairman Hood says:

“My problem with the less intense zone is we don’t … achieve the affordable housing that we set out to do … because that’s where the disparities coming that’s where the racial Equity tool comes into play and if we if we minimize [the size of the zoning] then somebody’s gonna get left out and it’s probably gonna be people that look like me so that’s uh that’s what I don’t want to happen and I’m not going to stand for it as long as I can do it.”

As to the effect Brianne Nadeau’s surprise legislation would have on zoning, the Chair suggests:

“I think the legislation which Councilmember Nadeau has introduced … shows that obviously her staff or [Nadeau] were listening to our hearings. And, [the Bill] helps with some of what we’ve heard [about the lack of community engagement] even though … I’ll be frank and honest, I would have liked it for that [to have happened] long before it got to us, but it didn’t and that’s why we that caveat about [the zoning] reverting back [to MU4 for the entire site] … just in case the Council[member] doesn’t have the votes or it doesn’t work, then that means it comes back [to the ZC] and I think that will solve a lot of the issues and a lot of issues [as for outreach].

And, Chair Hood qualifies the interplay between the legislation and what the Zoning Order could state:

“The [Zoning] order shall become effective on the date of publication in the DC Register or the date of adoption of council bill, whatever the bill number is, whichever is latter. No development shall begin until the adoption of said Bill. If said Bill is not adopted, the order shall become null and void and Zoning shall revert back to the original Zone.”


  • What’s your take on the Zoning Chairman’s points? 
  • Do you think MU10 is dead, why or why not? 
  • What do you think the other Commissioners were focusing on and what were their concerns with MU10?
  • What other zones could be possible at 1617 U Street from OP’s suggested zoning menu:

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