Parties Submit Findings to ZC Concluding that a Special Use Zone Be Deployed or the Split Is It

Parties Submit Findings to ZC Concluding that a Special Use Zone Be Deployed or the Split Is It

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Parties in opposition to the luxury upzoning at 1617 U Street have submitted some of the last pleadings asked for by the DC Zoning Commission.  See the list below.

Surprisingly, the Applicant, the DC Office of Planning has not submitted any Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law.

Exhibit No. Title of Document Pages Date Link

704 Response to OP Post-hearing Submission – Black Neighbors of 1617 U. St. N.W. 3 04/15/2024

707 Response to OP Supplemental Report – Homeowners within 200 Ft. of Lots 826 & 827 Party 5 04/15/2024

708 Proposed Conclusions of Law – Black Neighbors of 1617 U. St. NW 8 04/22/2024

711 Corrected Conclusions of Law – DCCA and Homeowners Within 200 Feet 18 4/22/2024

712 Findings of Fact – DCCA, Homeowners Within 200 Feet and Black Neighbors of 1617 U Street – corrected.pdf 19 4/22/2024
The next time the Zoning Commission meets abut 1617 U Street is on May 9, 2024. At this meeting, Commissioners  will deliberate on all of the submissions on the zoning hearing docket, including the ones above and may take a vote on OP's application to rezone the 2-acres of public land at 1617 U Street from MU-4 to MU-10.  There is a good possibility the ZC denies MU10 rezoning.

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