1617 U Street: Do Black Neighbors Matter?!

Please listen to cross examination of the Office of Planning by Black Neighbors and hear the frustration and deep concerns by Black DC residents who spoke up at the zoning hearings.

These folks are being called “NIMBYs” “usual suspects” and “obstructionists” online by whiter pro-growth ignorance.

Black neighbors are asking the Zoning Commission to reject the Office of Planning’s MU10 rezoning application in ZC Case No. 23-02 for failing to consider racial equity outreach expectations and not considering the adverse impacts of the rezoning on Black neighbors living in some of the last nearby existing and naturally occurring affordable housing in the area.

Some excerpts of the 1617 U Street Black voices:

  • “Just say no and send this back to the drawing board” – Laura Richards, former BZA member

  • “I’m mulling whether this case should be postponed or thrown in the trash all together” – Adams Morgan ANC Commissioner, John Jones

  • “OP has disregarded meaningful community engagement” – Andria Chatmon, Empower DC

  • “It’s disturbing to me personally to know that my story doesn’t count” – William Jordan, Ward One

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