Black Neighbors of 1617 U
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Black Neighbors Ask Mayor’s Office of Racial Equity For Assistance

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Press Notice:

Washington, DC, Black Neighbors Ignored by Ward One Councilmember Brianne Nadeau About 17th and U Street Luxury Upzoning Ask Office of Racial Equity For Assistance

Next Zoning Hearing is scheduled for Monday, February 26, 2024 — The remaining fifty residents (of 75) are signed up to testify in opposition

Black Neighbors living around 1617 U Street NW
have sent a letter (attached) to Ms. Amber Hewitt of the DC Office of Racial Equity asking for assistance with Zoning Case 23-02 regarding the possible high-density MU-10 rezoning of the 2-acre public site (now home to the Third District Police Station and Engine 9 Firehouse).  

The letter from the Black Neighbors of 1617 U Street group asks the Office on Racial Equity to write a letter to the Zoning Commission requesting Commissioners “to postpone any further deliberations until the DC Office of Planning engages in a much more robust community outreach effort.”

The Black Neighbors explain:

“[The District of Columbia Office of Planning] did very little outreach, if any, to affected Black residents, businesses, churches, community groups, and civic associations prior to making its recommendation. Its failure to do so is contrary to stated city policy as written in the DC Racial Equity Tool.”

When approaching Ward One Councilmember Brianne Nadeau about OP’s limited community outreach about this neighborhood-changing high-density proposal, the Black Neighbors understood Ms. Nadeau to believe that “more than enough” community engagement has been done. More here.

At a prior hearing, Zoning Commission Chair, Anthony Hood described the obviously limited public engagement as “a showstopper … [and] disturbing [for] folks who look like me.”

The next Zoning Hearing is set for February 26, 2024, starting at 4PM.


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