What do we want!!
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What’s our alternative, what do we want?

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What do we want!!

Save DC Public Land: Working for a Safe & Affordable U Street

We want our public land to stay public
We want our public land to stay public

We seek to ensure the public land at 1617 U Street, NW,  stays public, without selling or leasing the land away to developers for private profit.

We don’t want luxury housing on public land, we want new housing with an emphasis on larger bedroom sizes all of which truly meets our neighborhood’s affordable housing needs (think housing for teachers, emergency personnel, and families making the living wage or less).

We want Community-driven redevelopment of public land
Community-driven redevelopment of public land

We seek real government collaboration — Accessible public surveys to get feedback especially from impacted residents; Real time data on public service needs and infrastructure capacities; Regular open communication with the public.

We want the deployment of meaningful anti-displacement tools that seek to mitigate increased housing costs for surrounding neighbors such as property tax abatements, TOPA funding, and relocation & displacement compensation.

We want environmentally sensitive & human-scale development
We want in-scale redevelopment

We want redevelopment compatible with the neighborhood size and needs, i.e., in-scale with the low-rise existing blocks of housing nearby.

We seek the best environmental practices & mitigation of construction impacts (rooftop gardens, solar & wind energy, adapting existing structures for current needs).

Here’s what their vision is ::

What the developers think our neighbors should afford!
What the developers think our neighbors should afford!

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