The Split is It: Subdividing the 2-acre public site to grant higher density along U Street, and much lower densities along 17th and V Streets

The Split is It: Subdividing the 2-acre public site to grant higher density along U Street, and much lower densities along 17th and V Streets

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Subdivision & Mixed Zoning at 17th & U Street NW
In considering any proposal for redevelopment at 1617 U Street (Police & Fire Station), many neighbors are asking the city to put density on the U Street side of the block, and much lower density if any along V and 17th Street for obvious reasons (the surrounding area is nearly all in historic districts consisting of two- and three-story homes with many dating back to the 1800’s.
There is fundamental support for split zoning the site within the DC Comprehensive Plan’s Generalized Policy Map, which indicates that the northern half of the site is a Neighborhood Conservation Area and that zoning should mimic existing development patterns. 

The Split Zone (Mixed zoning) concept is not new for 17th and U Street NW.
As recently as 2 years ago, Ward One Councilmember Brianne Nadeau was floating the idea and we are not sure where along the way it became High Density for the whole site.
This indicated split zone can be asked for as had been anticipated (in the GPM) in order to truly protect the low rise historic districts surrounding the site.
The split zoning would help ease impacts on the low rise 17th street side of the site while benefiting from greater density on the U Street side of the site.

Instead, right now, the Mayor through DMPED is poised to support re-designating the entire public site at 1617-1620 U Street (police & fire station) to High Density zoning allowing future 10-story buildings across the whole site “by right”.


Adams Morgan Commissioner, Margaret Stevens affirms with the DC Office of Planning that subdivsion and mixed zoning (split-zoning) can happen at 1617 U Street NW

See more info from that ANC meeting — click here

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